Sunny Brews Apothecary's Breathe Easy salve is wonderful for those sniffly times where you are looking for that menthol-cooling feeling. This salve is made the "old fashioned" way, by infusing dried herbs into unrefined, virgin organic coconut oil. We use eucalyptus and peppermint herbs for that beautiful minty-cooling menthol aroma. We also add menthol crystals for an added boost and essential oils of eucalpytus radiata and peppermint.
How to use: Just a small amount is needed, rub gently on chest, temples, under nose. Reapply throughout the day.
*CAUTION: Do not use on children under 6 years old. Do not use on sensitve areas such as around eyes or nostrils.
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Breathe Easy Salve
coconut* oil infused with peppermint* and eucalpytus* dried herbs, local beeswax, menthol crystals, essential oils of eucalpytus radiata* and peppermint*
I always keep a tin of this stuff around for my stuffy nose. It works great.